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Machine learning 101

30 September, 2020  ·   Machine-Learning

What is Machine learning?

How do we tell a computer what a cat is. Lets say we are asked to write a code to detect if a particular picture is cat or not. How do you do that?

The goal of ML is to make machines act more and more like humans because the smarter they get, they help us achieve our goals easily

AI vs ML vs DL vs DS


Types of ML

ML is simply about predicting results based on incoming data. Some of the machine learning categories we often see…

6 Step Machine Learning Framework

6 step ML framework Image Full version on whimsical

Modelling data - Splitting data

The most important concept in ML ( The training, validation and test sets or 3sets )

Data is split into 3 parts

Modelling data - Choosing the model

choose a model and train your data

Modelling data - Tuning a model

Things to remember: ML models have hyper parameters one can adjust. A model’s first results aren’t its last. Tuning can take place on training or validation data sets.

Modelling data - Comparison

Overfitting and underfitting

Fixes for overfitting and underfitting

Things to remember: Avoid overfitting and underfitting(head towards generality). Keep the tests seperate at all costs. Compare apples to apples (Make sure 2 models you are comparing have been created in same sort of environment). One best performance metric does not equal best model

6 step field guide for ML Projects

Other resources:

Experiment with tools:

Event Handling↠ ↞Problems on Math