Properties and Methods of DOM
Lets look at some of the important properties and methods which we use regularly
& textContent
- innerText gives the data in between the tags
1const h1 = document.querySelector("h1");
2h1.innerText; //My Web page
3const ul = document.querySelector("ul");
4ul.innerText; //"First2nd3rd" All the nested content is concatenated and output came as one object
5document.body.innerText; // we get all the text on the webpage, it doesnt matter it is nested or not
6//change the value
7h1.innerText = "Hello world"; // changes value to HW on html page
8ul.innerText = "asjgsakdj"; // all of the lis are gone and replaced with this text
- On surface looks same like innerText
1const h1 = document.querySelector("h1");
2h1.textContent; //My Web page
lets change our html to without any proper formatting and add a script tag
1<p id="main">
2 Lorem ipsum d sadkj saldkm olor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit.
3 <strong style="display : none">Minus omnis similikjdsof que itaque!</strong>
4 Quas, voluptatum quasi sapiente consectetur cupiditate vel omnis, dolore odit
5 sequi, doloribus deleniti est ipsum quo numquam eius.
6 <script>
7 console.log("Hello");
8 </script>
1const p = document.querySelector("#main");
2p.innerText; // returns all the text inside main with formatting and no data from script and also it doesnt display the hidden text which is in strong tag
3p.textContent; //returns data without formatting and also data inside script tag and hidden data inside strong tag
innerHTML not only retrieves text inside the tags but also all the elements inside a particular tag
1const form = document.querySelector("form");
4 * "
5 <input type="text" name="" id="" placeholder="text">
6 <input type="password" name="" id="" placeholder="password">
7 <input type="submit">
8 "
9 */
- We can use innerHTML to change content inside tags.
1form.innerHTML = "sadjgd"; // entire form gets replaced by this text
2// we can also add html data using innerHTML
3form.innerHTML = " <b>i am a bold tag</b>"; // bolds out the data
all return string objectNote:
actually parses the text we pass in and checks whether we have html elements or text, based on that it manipulates the data and reflects on DOM.
vs innerHTML
1const h1 = document.querySelector("h1");
2h1.innerText(); // My web page
3h1.innerHTML(); //My web page
4h1.innerHTML += "is cool"; //My web page is cool
5h1.innerHTML += "<b> !!! </b>"; //My web page is cool !!!
6h1.innerText += "<b> !!! </b>"; //My web page is cool !!! <b> !!! </b>
doesnt parse the tags, it doesnt ignore them and doesnt understand them as actual elements
Important DOM properties
- Value : To get or set a value of an attribute.
- checked : When input type is checkbox, we use checked property to get the value of checkbox
- placehloder : We can change the text of a placeholder attribute.
- href : to get the link from the anchor tag
- src : to get the src of an image
1const inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input");
2inputs[0].value; // value of an attribute, lets say attribute was text box, we get value inside text box
3//lets assume inputs[1] is checkbox
4inputs[1].value; // always gives output as one, whether it is checked or not
5inputs[1].checked; //true or false
6inputs[2].placeholder; //password
7inputs[2].placeholder = "Enter your password";
9const a = document.querySelector("a");
10a.href; // http://
12const img = document.querySelector("img");
Getting & Setting attributes
We have getAttribute
() & setAttribute
() to access and set other properties of DOM
1<input type="range" min="50" max="100" step="10" />
1const range = document.querySelector('input[type="range"]');
2range.getAttribute("max"); //100
3range.getAttribute("min"); //50
4range.getAttribute("type"); //range
5range.getAttribute("lol"); //null
6range.setAttribute("min", "-100");
7range.setAttribute("type", "radio");
Finding parent /children/ siblings
Selecting an element based on current element
2 <li id="special">First</li>
3 <li>2nd</li>
4 <li id="special">3rd</li>
1const firstLI = document.querySelector("li");
2firstLI.parentElement; //entire ul currently this li is in.
4 * <ul>
5 <li id="special">First</li>
6 <li>2nd</li>
7 <li id="special">3rd</li>
8 </ul>
9 */
10firstLI.parentElement.parentElement; //entire body
11firstLI.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; //entire html
12firstLI.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; //null
14const ul = document.querySelector("ul");
15ul.children; //HTMLCOllection(3) [li.special, li, li.special]
16ul.children[0].innerText; //First
18firstLI.nextElementSibling; //<li>2nd</li>
19const thirdLI = firstLI.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling;
20thirdLI.previousElementSibling; //<li>2nd</li>
Changing multiple elements
We know how to select multiple elements, using querySelectorAll(). To manipulate them, iterate over the selected elements and change the property
1const allLis = document.querySelectorAll("li");
3for (let i = 0; i < allLis.length; i++) {
4 allLis[i].innerText = "We are champions";
5} // value of all lis is changed
7for (const li of allLis) {
8 li.innerHTML = "We are <b> Champions </b>";
Altering Styles
Changing CSS properties using DOM
Every html element has a style property
Important: If we are using
property to read exisiting styles, it wont work unless styles are defined inline. which is not a good idea. But you can change the color using DOM1const h1 = document.querySelector("h1");; // we get empty string as our style is not inlined. 3// but you can change the style of it from DOM = "teal"; // the color of h1 is changed
If we look at what it does, it adds inline styling to our element. Inline styling has more priority than external stylesheet when manipulating elements
Note: All the styles in js are camel case - color; //throws an error, this is how we declare it in css (kabab case ) = "black"; //allows us to access and change the bg color
Assigning each li a color..
1const allLis = document.querySelectorAll("li");
2const colors = ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green", "css", "pink"];
3allLis.forEach((li, i) => {
4 const color = colors[i];
5 = color;
To get the styles we applied in a stylesheet (get the computed values of an element)
1const li = document.querySelector("li");
2const styles = getComputedStyle(li); //RT : CSSSTyleDeclaration. a massive object contains all CSS properties in K,V pairs. values are set to default unless we have mentioned them explicitly in stylesheet .
Manipulating classes
Apply style to multiple elements using css classes
1<ul id="todos">
2 <li class="todo">Eat breakfast<button>x</button></li>
3 <li class="todo">Feed the pet<button>x</button></li>
4 <li class="todo">Drink water <button>x</button></li>
1.todo {
2 font-size: 30px;
3 color: olive;
6.done {
7 color: gray;
8 text-decoration: line-through;
9 opacity: 50%;
1const todos = document.querySelector("#todos .todo");
3todos.setAttribute("class", "done");
This is not the correct way to do as it modifies the inline styling of first element, we cant get back to our prev state unless we manually set it again. We lost our todo class, we completely overridden it. This is one down side of setAttribute().
This brings us to new property
is an object representation. It contains classes of an element we choose RT : DOMTokenList
1//removes existing style on classes
2todos.classList.remove("done"); // using setAttribute we werent able to remove, now we can remove using classList
3//adds style on to classes
4todos.classList.add("done"); // add class
5//adds if we dont have and removes if we have it. toggles between two
Creating Elements
-> returns an object- add text into the object (optional)
- append the object to the DOM. This object is going to be appended as the last child of a parent
1//create a h2 element and append it to dom
4const newh2 = document.createElement("h2"); // creates an object on DOM
5newh2; // <h2></h2>
6//add text
7newh2.innerText = "I love pineapples";
8newh2; //<h2>I love pineapples</h2>
9//lets add style too
11//append it to DOM
12//select a parent to attach
13const section = document.querySelector("section");
14section.appendChild(newh2); // this child is going to get appended at the end of the section //<h2 class="special">I love pineapples</h2>
16//On webpage
17/* <section>
18 <ul>
19 <li>carrots</li>
20 <li class="special">potatoes</li>
21 <li>tomatoes</li>
22 </ul>
23 <h2 class="special">I love pineapples</h2>
24</section>; */
1//Example 2:
2const newLink = document.createElement("a");
3newLink.href = "";
4newLink.innerText = "BTS - Dream Glow lyrics";
5const firstP = document.querySelector("p");
Append, prepend and insertBefore
insert an element before a particular element.
1parentEl.insertBefore(newEl, elBeforeWhichUwantToInsert);
3//insert an li before the first li in an ul
4const parentUl = document.querySelector("ul");
5const newLi = document.createElement("li");
6newLi.innerText = "I am a new list element";
7const firstLI = document.querySelector("li.todo");
8parentUl.insertBefore(newLi, firstLI);
9// insert before last Li
10const lastLi = const firstLI = document.querySelectorAll("li.todo")[2];
11parentUl.insertBefore(newLi, lastLi);
1const i = document.createElement("i");
2i.innerText = "I am italics";
3const firstP = document.querySelector("p");
4firstP.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", i);
6 * i am italics
7 * I am P tag
8 */
10firstP.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", i);
12 * i am italicsI am P tag
13 */
15firstP.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", i);
17 * I am P tag
18 * i am italics
19 */
20firstP.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", i);
23 * I am P tagi am italics
24 */
- For more info ref : MDN doc
& prepend()
IE support- To insert multiple children at once
1firstP.append(i, newLi);
3 * I am P tagi am italics
4 * i am a new li
5 */
6firstP.prepend(i, newLi);
8 * i am italics
9 * i am a new li
10 * I am P tag
11 */
and remove
Similar to appendChild() and append()
1const ul = document.querySelector("secion ul");
2const removeEl = ul.querySelector(".special");
5//for remove u dont need a parent el to remove
6const h1 = document.querySelector("h1");