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Intro to State

24 August, 2020  ·   React

Note: These notes are taken from Colt steele’s Modern React Bootcamp course

What is State?

Thinking about state

In any sufficiently advanced web application, the user interface has to be stateful.

The state of the client interface (frontend) is not always directly tied to state on the server.

Why would the server need to know if a modal is open?

State changes

State is designed to constantly change in response to events.

A great way to think about state is to think of games, for instance chess. At any point in time, the board is in a complex state.


Every new move represents a single discrete state change.

What Does State Track?

There are two types of things state on the client/frontend keeps track of:

Vanilla / jQuery State

The way we kept track of state with jQuery was by selecting DOM elements and seeing if they were displayed/hidden, or if they had certain styles or attributes.

1// getting a text input value
2var firstName = $("#firstNameInput").val();
3// setting a text input value

In other words, we were inferring the state of the application from the DOM itself.

React is going to do the opposite!

To review..


React State

In React, state is an instance attribute on a component. It’s always an object (POJO -> Plain old JS Object), since you’ll want to keep track of several keys/values.

1// what is the current state of my component?
5  playerName: "Whiskey",
6  score: 100

Initial State

State should be initialized as soon as the component is created. So we set it in the constructor function:

1class ClickCount extends Component {
2  constructor(props) {
3    super(props);
4    this.state = {
5      numClicks: 0, // start at zero clicks
6    };
7  }

React Constructor Function

If your component is stateless, you can omit the constructor function. If you are building a component with state, you need a standard React constructor

1constructor(props) {
2  super(props);
3  this.state = {
4    /* values we want to track */
5  };

State can be defined using the new public fields syntax

1class ClickCount extends Component {
2  state = { numClicks: 0 };
3  // ...

Notice that it is state, not this.state, when done like this.



 1class Game extends Component {
 2  constructor(props) {
 3    super(props);
 4    this.state = {
 5      player: "Whiskey",
 6      score: 0,
 7    };
 8  }
10  render() {
11    return (
12      <div>
13        <h1>Battleship</h1>
14        <p>Current Player: {this.state.player}</p>
15        <p>Score: {this.state.score}</p>
16      </div>
17    );
18  }
19} // end

Changing State

this.setState() is the built-in React method of changing a component’s state. this.setState({ playerName: "Matt", score: 0 })


 1class Rando extends Component {
 2  constructor(props) {
 3    super(props);
 4    this.state = { num: 0 };
 5    this.makeTimer();
 6  }
 8  makeTimer() {
 9    setInterval(() => {
10      this.setState({
11        num: Math.floor(Math.random() * this.props.maxNum),
12      });
13    }, 1000);
14  }
16  render() {
17    return <button>Rando: {this.state.num}</button>;
18  }
19} // end

React Events

State most commonly changes in direct response to some event. In React, every JSX element has built-in attributes representing every kind of browser event. They are camel-cased, like onClick, and take callback functions as event listeners.

2  onClick={function (e) {
3    alert("You clicked me!");
4  }}
6  Click Me!

React Events are a bit of an abstraction on top of regular browser events. They’re called synthetic events, but in practice they behave the same and you don’t have to worry about the abstraction. Check out the React documentation for all types of supported events.

Example : Broken Click

If we’re updating state in response to an event, we’ll have to call a method with this.setState():


 1class BrokenClick extends Component {
 2  constructor(props) {
 3    super(props);
 4    this.state = { clicked: false };
 5  }
 7  handleClick() {
 8    this.setState({ clicked: true });
 9  }
11  render() {
12    return (
13      <div>
14        <h1>
15          The Button is
16          {this.state.clicked ? "clicked" : "not clicked"}
17        </h1>
18        <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Broken</button>
19      </div>
20    );
21  }
22} // end

this is back!!

But this is undefined!

Example : Fixed click

We’ll fix the situation by binding our instance methods in the constructor.


 1class FixedClick extends Component {
 2  constructor(props) {
 3    super(props);
 4    this.state = { clicked: false };
 5    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
 6  }
 8  handleClick() {
 9    this.setState({ clicked: true });
10  }
12  render() {
13    return (
14      <div>
15        <h1>
16          The Button is
17          {this.state.clicked ? "clicked" : "not clicked"}
18        </h1>
19        <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Fixed</button>
20      </div>
21    );
22  }
23} // end

States vs Props.

State and Props are the most important concepts in React (after knowing what a “component” is).

statePOJO {}yesstores changing component data
propsPOJO {}nostores component configuration

State as Props

A common pattern we will see over and over again is a stateful (“smart”) parent component passing down its state values as props to stateless (“dumb”) child components.

 1class CounterParent extends Component {
 2  constructor(props) {
 3    super(props);
 4    this.state = { count: 5 };
 5  }
 6  render() {
 7    // passing down parent state as a prop to the child
 8    return (
 9      <div>
10        <CounterChild count={this.state.count} />
11      </div>
12    );
13  }

This idea is generalized in React as “downward data flow”. It means that components get simpler as you go down the component hierarchy, and parents tend to be more stateful than their children.

Further Reading : checkout React Docs . Two other great resources: Props vs State > ReactJS : Prop vs State

 react  javascript  es6
CRA and Modules↠ ↞React State Patterns