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Intro to Node - 2

22 September, 2020  ·   Node

Creating a Web server

http module

1const http = require("http");

Create a server:

2  //whenever a new req comes to server, this callback is called
3  (req, res) => {
4    res.end("Hello from the server!"); // the response we send back
5  }

listening on incoming reqs :

1const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
2  res.end("Hello from the server!");
4//listen to incoming requests from client
5server.listen(8000, "", () => {
6  console.log("listening to reqs on port: 8000");
8//enter :8000 in browser

Note : Node cannot simply exit the process this time -> coz of event loop . It keeps on listening to incoming request on given port.


1const url = require("url");
1const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
2  console.log(req.url); // we get 2 reqs by default (`/ ` & `/favicon.ico`) -> cb is executed twice
3    res.end("Hello from the server");
4  }


 1const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
 2  const pathName = req.url;
 3  if (pathName === "/" || pathName === "/overview") {
 4    res.end("This is overview page");
 5  } else if (pathName === "/product") {
 6    res.end("This is product page");
 7  } else {
 8    // throws a 404 error in browser console. You can also check in network tab
 9    res.writeHead(404);
10    //there are many header types one of them is content-type
11    //note all these status codes and headers need to be sent before sending response
12    res.writeHead(404, {
13      "Content-type": "text/html", //browser now expects an html to come in
14      // our own made up header
15      "my-own-header": "hello-world",
16    });
17    res.end("Page not found!");
18    //what we can do now is embed a html in response
19    res.end("<h1>Page not found</h1>"); //output : response in <h1>
20  }

Build a simple API

1if (pathName === "/api") {
2  //__dirname translates directory in which script that we're currently executing is located
3  fs.readFile(`${__dirname}/dev-data/data.json`, "utf-8", (err, data) => {
4    const productData = JSON.parse(data); //Turns JSON string to JS object
5    console.log(productData);
6    res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" });
7    res.end(data);
8  });

This is not 100% efficient, because each time a user hits /api file have to be read and then sent back. Instead we can read the file once in the beginning and then each time someone hits this route, simply send back the data without having to read it each time that a user requested

1//top-level code
2const data = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/dev-data/data.json`, "utf-8");
4//inside callback
5if (pathName === "/api") {
6  res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" });
7  res.end(data);

Parse variables from URL

1const url = require("url");
2//pass true here to actually parse the url
3const { query, pathname } = url.parse(req.url, true);

Create your own modules:

If you want to use a function or class in multiple files, Make it as a module. Export it from that file and import it in another.

Note: In Node every single file is a module.

One of the many ways…

Steps to create a module:

  1. Extract the piece of code which you want to make it as a module.
  2. Export it using export.modules
  3. Import it in the file in which you want to use this module using require
2module.exports = (x, y) => {
3  return x + y;
6const sum = require("./modules/sum");
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